Earth population: more than 8 billion
BRING WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ON MONDAY ALONG WITH YOUR REFERENCE. We will have a look and discuss. Then we will get back to doing pushups and sanding the floor.
- 8,589,934,592
- 4,294,967,296
- 2,147,483,648
- 1,073,741,824
- 536,870,912
- 268,435,456
- 134,217,728
- 67,108,864
- 33,554,432
- 16,777,216
- 8,388,608
- 4,194,304
- 2,097,152
- 1,048,576
- 524,288
- 262,144
- 131,072
- 65,536
- 32,768
- 16,384
- 8,192
- 4,096
- 2,048
- 1,024
- 512
- 256
- 128
- 64
- 32
- 16
- 8
- 4
- 2
- 1
BRING WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ON MONDAY ALONG WITH YOUR REFERENCE. We will have a look and discuss. Then we will get back to doing pushups and sanding the floor.