Fall Tutor Hours


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Class 2/24: Rock Paper Scissors

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  • Class 2/24: Rock Paper Scissors

    Earth population: more than 8 billion
    1. 8,589,934,592
    2. 4,294,967,296
    3. 2,147,483,648
    4. 1,073,741,824
    5. 536,870,912
    6. 268,435,456
    7. 134,217,728
    8. 67,108,864
    9. 33,554,432
    10. 16,777,216
    11. 8,388,608
    12. 4,194,304
    13. 2,097,152
    14. 1,048,576
    15. 524,288
    16. 262,144
    17. 131,072
    18. 65,536
    19. 32,768
    20. 16,384
    21. 8,192
    22. 4,096
    23. 2,048
    24. 1,024
    25. 512
    26. 256
    27. 128
    28. 64
    29. 32
    30. 16
    31. 8
    32. 4
    33. 2
    34. 1
    ASSIGNMENT: No class on Wednesday the 26th, but I will hold office hours at that time, please let me know if you'd like to schedule a time slot. However, use that time to continue drawing your "emotion" reference. Remember, we are not having class just so you can work on your own without me having any chance of commenting on HOW you're drawing. Just drw however way you want, but the CRUCIAL thing is that the face you draw shows the EMOTION that is in your reference. You all have great references, some are obvious, some are subtle, look at what happens to all the features in the face.
    BRING WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ON MONDAY ALONG WITH YOUR REFERENCE. We will have a look and discuss. Then we will get back to doing pushups and sanding the floor.