UPDATE - Friday students have been re-scheduled to meet with Arevalo on Friday February 14. Friday students may also meet with Arevalo during office hours for an earlier review (Monday/Wednesday 3pm-5pm)
Job search start document: Business - Job Search Start.docx
Bring 3 entry level or internship job postings that are applicable to your job specialization
Print them out so you can highlight & add notes to them
Before we meet, highlight bullet points on the job posting that tell us what is needed of your portfolio/resumes
Bring job print-outs for review on the day of your meeting
Post any business card & video setup updates based on last meeting's feedback
Add all UIW3D professors on LinkedIn
- Adam Watkins, Jingtian Li, Kassandra Arevalo, Emily Sidler, Justin Gallardo, Carlos Garcia, Jacob Salazar, Adam Blair
Additionally, set up at least 1 job alert on LinkedIn