For this submission, you’ll be presenting the hand-painted textures for your assets. The goal is to create high-quality hand-painted textures that align with the technical application, style, and overall look of your chosen comparables. Use Substance Painter to fine-tune PBR values for stylized PBR hand-painted assets, and 3D Coat for fully unlit hand-painted assets. The choice of software and application of technique is yours. Apply your best judgment as you refine the textures and materials, ensuring they reflect the references and comparables you’ve gathered.
Final Deliverables:
Final Deliverables:
- 3D Coat and/or Substance Painter file
- Source files
- Screenshots showing various angles
- Final 3D Coat or Substance Painter Viewport renders
- AssetName_Textures_001.png
- AssetName_Textures_002.png
- etc.
- Final 3D Coat or Substance Painter Viewport renders
- Final exported texture maps (May vary based on style)
- T_AssetName_A.png/.tga
- T_AssetName_N.png/.tga
- T_AssetName_ORM.png/.tga
- etc.