- Read the "Motion Capture" chapter in the Game Anim book
- Take notes for a quiz!
- Apply feedback based on in-class critiques
- Set up the gun (remember to parent constraint to groups)
- Clarify the key poses of the piece
- Look for reference of someone holding an assault rifle
- Start to clean up feet sliding
- Boot up animSnap -> on an anim layer, snap the feet to the ground for the allotted amount of time it stays on the ground based on the mixamo data -> blend the preceding and proceeding movements on that layer
- Script download - animSnap
- animSnap code to put in script editor - animSnap();
- Transfer the arm data to the IK controls using...
- Locator transfer method
- OR
- Kiel Figgins IKFK matching & baking script - https://www.3dfiggins.com/Store/Support/IKFK/
- Start blocking in the necessary FK/IK switches for the arms
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3/4 Assignment | MoCap Soldier Cleanup & Reading
3/4 Assignment | MoCap Soldier Cleanup & Reading
Last edited by Professor Arevalo; 02-28-2025, 02:26 PM.Tags: None