There is no class on Wednesday February 5th (Arevalo is still not feeling well).
Please submit your updates (both for the Full Body Pantomime and Hand Acting reference) by the end of our normal class (1:15pm) on Wednesday February 5th for a grade, and feedback will be provided on syncsketch so you can further polish your pieces this weekend.
Please submit your updates (both for the Full Body Pantomime and Hand Acting reference) by the end of our normal class (1:15pm) on Wednesday February 5th for a grade, and feedback will be provided on syncsketch so you can further polish your pieces this weekend.
Refer to the attached grading checklist as you are wrapping up your Full Body Pantomime final pass.
Include a separate syncsketch link containing your hand acting reference notes.
Key poses should be notated.
In the comment sections, write down what is the inner dialogue of the character at each major acting beat of the reference.
There is no need to start this animation just yet.