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What's your dream studio and dream job?

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  • What's your dream studio and dream job?

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to Environmental Production Arts IV. Make a quick post and tell me who is your dream studio to work for is. What is your dream position at that studio? This can be for a film studio, game studio, architecture company, etc. This will help me adjust our syllabus. Have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday.

    - Professor Blair

  • #2
    I think two companies I would love to work for is either Larian or Dreamworks as either a character or prop modeler, but overall, I'm open to anything and would just like to never have to work in retail/fast food ever again :')


    • #3
      Hi my name is Aaliyah Mickle, it's pronounced uh-lee-uh michael. My dream job is to be a production designer for film. I do personally love Disney and I'd like to be involved in a project that means something to the people watching it, the way film has done that for me. I mean the ultimate ultimate dream would be to have my own animation studio that can break the sort of formulaic storytelling that seems to be dominating the feature animation world right now.


      • #4
        Hello! My name is Trinity and I aspire to be a character modeler. My dream studio is probably Santa Monica Studios because I am a huge fan of the God of War series. Some follow ups to that would be Blizzard, Big Red Button, Naughty Dog, or Activision. I hope to be a character modeler that specializes in realism and stylized art.


        • #5
          Hello my name is Lourdes Castro but everyone calls me Lola. As of right now I am still in-between where I want to work weather it being in Games or Film. As for Games I would love to work at insomniac working on games like Spider-Man as a Environment or prop artist. As for film I would love to work at DreamWorks Animation as a Environment artist to work on all of the newer animated movies just like the ones that I grew up watching.


          • #6
            Hello, my name is Evely Torres! :] (You can call me Ev or Eevee)
            Right now I really am into Laika's works, so I'd like to join them as a character modeler if possible as it would be fascinating to be within the scope of stop motion works yet still work within a digital medium.


            • #7
              Hello, name's Daniel Cabang, and I'm aspiring to be a Character Modeler. As for a dream studio, I'd love to work for either Fortiche or Blizzard. I love their stylized look and would love to have a hand in character modelling for them. Another studio that I've been thinking about is Valve. They don't really make many video games as of late, but their earlier Source Engine games were very pivotal.


              • #8
                Hi, my name is Hailee Davis and I was wanting to be a character modeler. My dream studio is actually in Poland, called Bloober Team SA, which made one of my favorite games of all time Layers of Fear. Especially after seeing their last project, Silent Hill 2 remake I would love a chance to work on something they create as horror has always been my favorite genre and they make really cool and pretty games!


                • #9
                  Hello, my name is Sebastian Jurado!

                  My dream studio to work for would probably be Blizzard Studios and my dream position at that studio would be a character artist. This is my dream studio because they created one of my favorite games called Overwatch. I absolutely love their character design and world building, so I hope to one day be a part of that creative process.


                  • #10
                    Hi, my name is Cara King and I want to be a prop or character modeler. My dream studio at the moment for film is Sony or DreamWorks, if it were toys/figurines it would be MGA. I like both of the works they are outputting at the current moment and I have a major love for dolls as well and just adore the creative process behind it.


                    • #11
                      Hello, my name is Ruth Pliego. I am a Character Artist and a company I would really like to work with is FromSoftware Inc. I prefer to work with realism in my characters and love the robustness and detail that FromSoft places in with every character.

