Name of Game: Centipede
Author: Dona Bailey and Ed Logg (developers)
Game Studio: Atari
Original Platform and Control Mechanism: Played on the arcade, used trackball for movement and buttons for shooting mechanics.
Control mechanism used: Arrow keys for movement, Spacebar for shooting.
I think I would not have had a difficult time using the original mechanics. In fact, movement especially may have been easier with a trackball than with arrow keys: the reason why is because I kept forgetting that I had the ability to go forwards and backwards.
The gameplay involves you, the player, being a little bug that shoots darts at objects along the screen. The titular Centipede moves from the top of the screen all the way to the bottom of the screen. The Centipede behaves sort of like a hydra in that whenever you shoot along its body, you split the body at that point and create a new head for the Centipede. Shoot that head and if it has more segments behind it, the following segment will become the new head. The Centipede’s life ends when all of its heads have been shot off, placing “mushrooms” as obstacles in their place. These mushrooms become obstacles for the player as they take dart-hits as well, if the player shoots them enough times they disappear. This is important because as the Centipede is making its way down, if it bumps into one of the mushrooms instead of going along its path, it continues on to the following line, allowing the Centipede to move quicker through the screen. There are also fleas that drop straight from the top of the screen to the bottom, placing down mushrooms as they pass. There are also spiders that zig zag along the bottom of the screen.
One of the weaknesses about this game, and maybe it could just be me, but every time I respawned I would have a hard time noticing when and where I spawned in. And I don't know if maybe after losing track of my little bug creature my eyes just couldn't “catch” it when it spawned in, or maybe because there was still so much movement happening along the screen but I quickly learned to start searching for my character almost as soon as I died (I know, dramatic, there is like a 3-5 second wait period between dying and respawning). Some of the strengths of the art and design were actually all the mushroom mechanics. It created a dynamic level design, one that could not be ignored and goes hand in hand with how difficult the game will be. For example, more mushrooms would equal a faster centipede, more mushrooms in the way of shooting, less room to move, larger clusters of mushrooms and so on.
The game was fun for much of the same reasons it had good mechanics, the growing and interactive environment was an ever increasing plus. But personally, I have always liked the hydra mechanic the Centipede has.Maybe I am not playing the right games, but I cannot think of any games within the recent years that have incorporated this mechanic which is a bummer because it is one of the most enticing things about Centipede. I find it incredibly satisfying to try to get to a spot where you can destroy a head, then destroy the following head as it evades the newly placed mushroom, then destroy the head following it, and so on. Or even when I know this is not what you’re supposed to do, I like to see how many enemies I can make and how well I handle them.
Although, maybe it’s because I played it a lot as a kid, I found it to be deceptively easy. Yes, I can explain how the level design would make the game more difficult, but it was never challenging or a struggle to get through. It is definitely one of those games where I can turn my mind off and enjoy all the happenings on screen.
Some ways Centipede may have been considered influential is likely because of its use of 4 directional movements (up, down, left, right). I know I barely touched on this, because I kept forgetting about it myself while playing, but many arcade games or games at the time would have a fixed or limited movement shooter. Centipede introduces a new level of engaging with the game. Some other things include the hydra enemy mechanic, many games at the time did have their enemies going faster the closer they got to the player, but not many had them multiplying and increasing speed in the process. While games like Space Invaders had obstacles that protected player and cloud also be destroyed by the player not very many had obstacles that changed the layout of the environment and with it, the behavior of enemies. Centipede uses this to its advantage any way it can. I also did not talk much about this but the “levels” being exciting and fun colors I think also allowed for wider audiences to get sucked into the game. There was no darkness of space or a void of tictacs with angry ghosts, there are fun exciting environments that would catch the eye of anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (⅘)