BullS****/ Cheat
No author, but recorded in "how to play with cards" books and it has many variants all over the world
No Game studio
Original platform- a Deck of playing cards
Mechanisms - a flat surface, hands, a couple of dishonest buddies.
Game play and mechanics
Cheat or BullS**** is played with 4 or as many friends want to play and a 52 deck of playing cards. The game also requires a surface in the center of all the players in which the discarded cards are placed onto. Then the cards are distributed evenly to all players. Players are allowed to look and sort their own cards but cannot touch and look at the other players’ cards. Game starts with one player placing a face down card(s) in the center of the play area while announcing what type of card and how many of that type of card was placed, thus ending their turn. The next player goes, so on and so forth, in the order pre-decided (clockwise or counterclockwise). Another key point of the game is that players are placing the cards in ascending order (starting at Ace and ending with the King) fully trusting that each one is telling the truth. At any point if a player is suspicious, they are allowed to call out “BullS***” to the player who just placed down their cards. If the calling out player was right then the liar receives all the cards in the pile, but if wrong, they receive the penalty. The game end when one player is out of cards.
Strength and weakness of art and design
There is no art and design associated with the game itself, but the platform can be used for expression. Companies sell all types of designs with their playing cards. I never really thought of it but, boiling it down, this platform allows for your self-expression to be apart of any game you play. Some designs include but are not limited to images of popular media from TV, Film, other games, literature, art, and well anything that can be printed. The cards can even come in different sizes and shapes. I think the weakness of art is that it makes little to no impact on the gameplay. Maybe just a little satisfaction sees your favorite character, but if striped form all designed and left with just numbers and symbols, players could still have just as fun. However, Playing cards portability focus that allows players to play anywhere is one of the strongest points for its design.
what makes it fun?
The most fun part of playing Cheat is the challenge of attempting to get away with lying to all of your friends. I believe that people are inherently evil as it is the easiest path for humans to take. The only reason why it isn’t ramped up in our communities is because people are either attempting to go against this nature or the consequences far outweigh the reward. Now imagen if you are presented with a time that you will receive no consequence for doing evil. It’s exhilarating! I mean we have a movie franchise with these concepts. The evil in the game of telling a little lie is not great enough to hurt your moral compass or hurt the people around you as a result of your lie, and yet it feels good that you pulled a fast one over the other players. The other satisfaction is in the situation where you were telling the truth, and a player accuses you of lying. This is a different type of evil within human nature and it’s the need to feel superior to others. In the case of this game, it is the feeling of moral superiority. The accusing player instantly reaps the penalty of accusing you of being dishonest. I’m sure a deep study of human nature can be done with this game. It is fun to be deceive when no one can get hurt, and in fact, this absurdity becomes humorous.
why is it considered influential? how does it fit the evolution of games?
The history of Card games is one of the oldest forms of games. Basically, since we have figured out how to make paper. The oldest account of a card game was in the Tang dynasty in the 9th century made out of woodblock printing technology. Since card games have been with man for so long new and different ways to play card games grew alongside man’s development. The portability of these games allowed people to travel with them and spread them around the globe. For Cheat itself, the game uses the French playing cards (which are the most common now adays). It has many different variants for different nations, which cause me to wonder if the game not only passed around from word of mouth but had isolated moments of spontaneous discovery. This meaning that concept is so simple and ingrain in our nature that, when playing cards became more common, it was being simultaneously invented over and over again with slight changes based on the culture it derived from. The great thing about Cheat, Bulls****, I Doubt it, bluff, or whatever its called in that region, it appeals to everyone. There is something fundamental ingrain in us from any age that people are called to always participate when some one yells “ Who wants to play Bulls***!?”.
No author, but recorded in "how to play with cards" books and it has many variants all over the world
No Game studio
Original platform- a Deck of playing cards
Mechanisms - a flat surface, hands, a couple of dishonest buddies.
Game play and mechanics
Cheat or BullS**** is played with 4 or as many friends want to play and a 52 deck of playing cards. The game also requires a surface in the center of all the players in which the discarded cards are placed onto. Then the cards are distributed evenly to all players. Players are allowed to look and sort their own cards but cannot touch and look at the other players’ cards. Game starts with one player placing a face down card(s) in the center of the play area while announcing what type of card and how many of that type of card was placed, thus ending their turn. The next player goes, so on and so forth, in the order pre-decided (clockwise or counterclockwise). Another key point of the game is that players are placing the cards in ascending order (starting at Ace and ending with the King) fully trusting that each one is telling the truth. At any point if a player is suspicious, they are allowed to call out “BullS***” to the player who just placed down their cards. If the calling out player was right then the liar receives all the cards in the pile, but if wrong, they receive the penalty. The game end when one player is out of cards.
Strength and weakness of art and design
There is no art and design associated with the game itself, but the platform can be used for expression. Companies sell all types of designs with their playing cards. I never really thought of it but, boiling it down, this platform allows for your self-expression to be apart of any game you play. Some designs include but are not limited to images of popular media from TV, Film, other games, literature, art, and well anything that can be printed. The cards can even come in different sizes and shapes. I think the weakness of art is that it makes little to no impact on the gameplay. Maybe just a little satisfaction sees your favorite character, but if striped form all designed and left with just numbers and symbols, players could still have just as fun. However, Playing cards portability focus that allows players to play anywhere is one of the strongest points for its design.
what makes it fun?
The most fun part of playing Cheat is the challenge of attempting to get away with lying to all of your friends. I believe that people are inherently evil as it is the easiest path for humans to take. The only reason why it isn’t ramped up in our communities is because people are either attempting to go against this nature or the consequences far outweigh the reward. Now imagen if you are presented with a time that you will receive no consequence for doing evil. It’s exhilarating! I mean we have a movie franchise with these concepts. The evil in the game of telling a little lie is not great enough to hurt your moral compass or hurt the people around you as a result of your lie, and yet it feels good that you pulled a fast one over the other players. The other satisfaction is in the situation where you were telling the truth, and a player accuses you of lying. This is a different type of evil within human nature and it’s the need to feel superior to others. In the case of this game, it is the feeling of moral superiority. The accusing player instantly reaps the penalty of accusing you of being dishonest. I’m sure a deep study of human nature can be done with this game. It is fun to be deceive when no one can get hurt, and in fact, this absurdity becomes humorous.
why is it considered influential? how does it fit the evolution of games?
The history of Card games is one of the oldest forms of games. Basically, since we have figured out how to make paper. The oldest account of a card game was in the Tang dynasty in the 9th century made out of woodblock printing technology. Since card games have been with man for so long new and different ways to play card games grew alongside man’s development. The portability of these games allowed people to travel with them and spread them around the globe. For Cheat itself, the game uses the French playing cards (which are the most common now adays). It has many different variants for different nations, which cause me to wonder if the game not only passed around from word of mouth but had isolated moments of spontaneous discovery. This meaning that concept is so simple and ingrain in our nature that, when playing cards became more common, it was being simultaneously invented over and over again with slight changes based on the culture it derived from. The great thing about Cheat, Bulls****, I Doubt it, bluff, or whatever its called in that region, it appeals to everyone. There is something fundamental ingrain in us from any age that people are called to always participate when some one yells “ Who wants to play Bulls***!?”.