Nicholas Wolf JE # - 13
Name of Game: Final Fantasy VII
Game author (If known): Hironobu Sakaguchi (Director), Yoshinori Kitase (Producer)
Game Studio: Square (now Square Enix)
Original Platform & control mechanism: PlayStation (1997), using a standard PlayStation controller with a directional pad, face buttons, and shoulder buttons.
Control mechanism you used
Would the experience have been different using the original? How?
I played Final Fantasy VII on a PC rather than the original console, as I did not have access to it, but because the game was turn-based and there was very little reactivity needed to play the game properly. There was slight confusion as I played the game as the controls were different than the usual, however after playing for a couple of hours or so, it was not too bad to deal with. Since this would have been played on a standard controller, there were not too many buttons to memorize.
Describe gameplay and mechanics:
~ 150 words
The gameplay of this iteration of Final Fantasy was a Real Time Strategy or RTS-type game where each character would have their ‘Time’ bar. Once it filled the player was allowed to do actions with the character, whether it be healing, attacking, or casting magic. This Active Time Battle (ATB) system keeps the player on their toes and forces them to make snap quick decisions in the heat of battle and to ensure their player characters do not perish by not having enough healing.
The game plays pretty much like any other JRPG, fight bad guys get loot, do not die, simple formula for success in my opinion. The story like any other is pretty unique in its ways though to be fair this is the 7th game in the series and besides watching lore videos, the game does not hold your hand throughout the prologue as you are thrust into combat almost immediately. Though for this review I only played the prologue of the game, with what I saw I was tempted to play more with the mechanics that I have yet to skillfully master.
Describe strengths & weaknesses of art & design
~ 150 words
The strengths of the game come from both its fluid combat and pre-rendered backgrounds which still to this day look pretty good in the modern day and even manage to look passible as compared to other games of the time.
The weaknesses, in my opinion, are the backgrounds, and the boss monsters are so good then you look at the low poly characters in the overworld and cannot correlate the two as seen from the images as one is not even a flattering portrayal of the characters; while the battle scenes look infinitely better. I know that logistically you could not have the higher resolution characters with the tech of the PS one at the time, but it becomes distracting if you keep looking at it.
The fixed camera angles and flat terrain made it hard to navigate the terrain for what could and could not be walked with the characters, not even mention the weird situation of things looking pixilated, then others being clean-cut even when being in the same scene ending up distracting more than anything.
What made it fun?
~ 200 words
The fun of the game is the quick RTS turn-based synergy that the game has going on which makes combat engaging and not just a chore that the player is forced to overcome making for a good gaming experience. The characters all have their very own personality that is illustrated and shown in-game through both their body language and the way they talk, making for an immersive experience, or as close to it as could be achieved at the time. The story and setting are so well done that it left me in awe of both the creative minds and their dedication to the project to the point of creating such an immersive world and characters for me to play around in that it makes me feel like a kid playing their first game.
I found it pretty funny how the profile pictures, battle appearances, and overworld designs all look similar but different from one another to the point of just being comedic about how optimized the game had to become serviceable on the PlayStation.
The boss's overwhelming size as compared to the character's small stature helps illustrate literally how in over their heads the characters in the story are. Like a David vs. Goliath situation.
Now that you’ve played it, Why would this game be considered influential? How does it fit into the evolution of games?
~ 200 words
Final Fantasy 7 was one of the most influential RPGs of all time, credited with bringing Japanese RPGs (JRPGs) into mainstream Western gaming. It not only popularized the genre of RPGs to a whole audience of people but made a lot of people fans of the genre enough to want to play more. Its innovations and interesting mechanics in the game show a lot of sincerity and love from the developers and that they wanted to create the best product possible without the usage of capitalistic tendencies which make games eyesores to the average player. This game was so good that there was even a full Remastering done in 2022 because of just how iconic and recognizable Final Fantasy was to Square Enix’s catalog.
This game along with other prominent games put Sony on the map and made it clear that Sony was going to become a dominant force in the Video Game Console industry surpassing the likes of SEGA and Nintendo in their own game.
The storytelling and cutscenes shown in-game look and sound good enough to tell a story on par with films and movies of the time, begging the question of video games being works of art, which Final Fantasy VII easily answered with a resounding yes!
How would you rate this game (1-5 Stars (5 stars good))
I would rate the game 5 stars because of just how innovative the game was for the time and the great graphics which have surprisingly held up well in the modern era while the polygonal 3D characters leave much to be desired, at the same time there is not a reason for them to be highly detailed as they manage to tell a decent story by themselves without the extensive graphics to back them up.
Name of Game: Final Fantasy VII
Game author (If known): Hironobu Sakaguchi (Director), Yoshinori Kitase (Producer)
Game Studio: Square (now Square Enix)
Original Platform & control mechanism: PlayStation (1997), using a standard PlayStation controller with a directional pad, face buttons, and shoulder buttons.
Control mechanism you used
Would the experience have been different using the original? How?
I played Final Fantasy VII on a PC rather than the original console, as I did not have access to it, but because the game was turn-based and there was very little reactivity needed to play the game properly. There was slight confusion as I played the game as the controls were different than the usual, however after playing for a couple of hours or so, it was not too bad to deal with. Since this would have been played on a standard controller, there were not too many buttons to memorize.
Describe gameplay and mechanics:
~ 150 words
The gameplay of this iteration of Final Fantasy was a Real Time Strategy or RTS-type game where each character would have their ‘Time’ bar. Once it filled the player was allowed to do actions with the character, whether it be healing, attacking, or casting magic. This Active Time Battle (ATB) system keeps the player on their toes and forces them to make snap quick decisions in the heat of battle and to ensure their player characters do not perish by not having enough healing.
The game plays pretty much like any other JRPG, fight bad guys get loot, do not die, simple formula for success in my opinion. The story like any other is pretty unique in its ways though to be fair this is the 7th game in the series and besides watching lore videos, the game does not hold your hand throughout the prologue as you are thrust into combat almost immediately. Though for this review I only played the prologue of the game, with what I saw I was tempted to play more with the mechanics that I have yet to skillfully master.
Describe strengths & weaknesses of art & design
~ 150 words
The strengths of the game come from both its fluid combat and pre-rendered backgrounds which still to this day look pretty good in the modern day and even manage to look passible as compared to other games of the time.
The weaknesses, in my opinion, are the backgrounds, and the boss monsters are so good then you look at the low poly characters in the overworld and cannot correlate the two as seen from the images as one is not even a flattering portrayal of the characters; while the battle scenes look infinitely better. I know that logistically you could not have the higher resolution characters with the tech of the PS one at the time, but it becomes distracting if you keep looking at it.
The fixed camera angles and flat terrain made it hard to navigate the terrain for what could and could not be walked with the characters, not even mention the weird situation of things looking pixilated, then others being clean-cut even when being in the same scene ending up distracting more than anything.
What made it fun?
~ 200 words
The fun of the game is the quick RTS turn-based synergy that the game has going on which makes combat engaging and not just a chore that the player is forced to overcome making for a good gaming experience. The characters all have their very own personality that is illustrated and shown in-game through both their body language and the way they talk, making for an immersive experience, or as close to it as could be achieved at the time. The story and setting are so well done that it left me in awe of both the creative minds and their dedication to the project to the point of creating such an immersive world and characters for me to play around in that it makes me feel like a kid playing their first game.
I found it pretty funny how the profile pictures, battle appearances, and overworld designs all look similar but different from one another to the point of just being comedic about how optimized the game had to become serviceable on the PlayStation.
The boss's overwhelming size as compared to the character's small stature helps illustrate literally how in over their heads the characters in the story are. Like a David vs. Goliath situation.
Now that you’ve played it, Why would this game be considered influential? How does it fit into the evolution of games?
~ 200 words
Final Fantasy 7 was one of the most influential RPGs of all time, credited with bringing Japanese RPGs (JRPGs) into mainstream Western gaming. It not only popularized the genre of RPGs to a whole audience of people but made a lot of people fans of the genre enough to want to play more. Its innovations and interesting mechanics in the game show a lot of sincerity and love from the developers and that they wanted to create the best product possible without the usage of capitalistic tendencies which make games eyesores to the average player. This game was so good that there was even a full Remastering done in 2022 because of just how iconic and recognizable Final Fantasy was to Square Enix’s catalog.
This game along with other prominent games put Sony on the map and made it clear that Sony was going to become a dominant force in the Video Game Console industry surpassing the likes of SEGA and Nintendo in their own game.
The storytelling and cutscenes shown in-game look and sound good enough to tell a story on par with films and movies of the time, begging the question of video games being works of art, which Final Fantasy VII easily answered with a resounding yes!
How would you rate this game (1-5 Stars (5 stars good))
I would rate the game 5 stars because of just how innovative the game was for the time and the great graphics which have surprisingly held up well in the modern era while the polygonal 3D characters leave much to be desired, at the same time there is not a reason for them to be highly detailed as they manage to tell a decent story by themselves without the extensive graphics to back them up.