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Nathan Garcia

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  • #16
    Journal #13

    Name: Spiderman
    Author/Studio: Neversoft/Activision
    Platform: Playstation (One)

    Control System Used: PC Emulation/Keyboard

    Gameplay & Mechanics:
    The game juggles through several game mechanics, but they all revolve around some controls: The ability to punch, kick, jump, and use webs, the webs themselves have several abilities that can be utilized (and serve as a ranged attack during combat). As for the levels, they bounce around a few gimmicks, though many of them share the idea of travelling from building to building, having a few enemies to beat up, and reaching the end of a level. You could also be inside of a building, traversing through the level with some objective to complete. Or you have a boss battle. The gameplay is simplistic, not much in terms of complexity, there is a lot going on, and they seem to try and add a lot of features, but the features are pretty shallow. The levels themselves are small, though they try to add a sense of scale by making most of the levels on high-rise buildings.

    Strengths & Weaknesses:
    The games strengths lie in what it does and sets out to do, and it does it well. It sets out to be a game that is meant for children to envision themselves as the superhero they loved. This game does that well, for kids when this game came out, it probably was exactly as they thought of how they would play spiderman. The simplicity of the game also makes it pretty easy to at least pick up, and the family friendly nature makes it great for parents who want their kids to play safe games that still offer some level of combat and mild violence. However, the greatest weakness of the game is how they seem to try and have a lot of features, but none of them feel particularly extensive, most of them feel like they were surface level... Though an argument can be made that it is a strength given the target demographic.

    Fun Factor:
    I personally found the game okay... I never had a blast, but I never felt bored playing it (outside the few helicopter chase levels, it got old really quickly). This game was made for children and it shows. I found the characters saying the controls that needed to be used both refreshing from the ui pop up or pausing mid-game to explain the concept, and funny that characters literally say "Use (Button) to activate (ability/skill)." The combat itself was boring in my opinion, I understand the limitations of the game and the audience, but I could have cared less about it, the controls did not help the combat either. However, what took the most fun away from me was the sometimes stupid events that were taking place in the levels. Levels that included hostages make me rage at times, since it feels like one wrong move and the hostage would run into their own deaths, at other times, the camera felt like it was acting against me. It would move to face when i did not want it to, and at other times when I needed it to reorient itself it would refuse to do so, this caused me some frustrations, especially during some of the intense moments.

    This game has some influence, what I think it does best is being what a kids action game should be: A simple story, easy to understand and low skill ceiling combat, and simple level design. I don't think this game was groundbreaking, but what it set out to do it did good enough to leave a mark and be considered one of the best Playstation games out there. There is quality to be had and can be taken into consideration when thinking about how a game should be made, especially for something like a kids game, where there are plenty of games targeted to kids that have a severe lack of quality. What makes this game particularly interesting was that this felt like a game that was made for Spiderman, rather than a game that had spiderman in it. Which is another thing many games that utilize heros seem to lack: A game that was made for the hero or heros they represent. Games like Avengers felt like a random live service with a popular IP attached to it and abilities that fit the characters but could have passed as being for its own unique characters should the game have tried to make their own instead of using popular IPs and characters.

    Overall... I give this game a 3/5


    • #17
      Journal #14

      Name: Super Mario 64
      Author/Studio: Shigeru Miyamoto/Nintendo
      Platform: Nintendo 64

      Control System Used: Nintendo Switch Emulation/Joycons

      Gameplay & Mechanics:
      Super Mario 64 was the first game to actually use a stick that could rotate in a 360 field of play, as it only has 1 joystick, much of the camera is tied to the movement that the 1 stick has, though the camera setting itself can be manipulated and changed through a few options should the player choose to change it. Outside of the stick, you have other face buttons that can be used, as well as 2 trigger buttons. Despite only having 1 stick, making independent movement of the camera (at least, while moving at the same time) impossible, everything feels smooth and outside of a few instances, the camera does a good job at not getting in the players way. Mario also has several other items at his disposal, many of them give powerful abilities but only last for a limited time. The objective itself is simple, go through levels, get stars by completing certain tasks, and use those stars to open doors and eventually face bowser several times, where you must beat him, and at the end peach is saved.

      Strengths & Weaknesses:
      The game has very well thought out controls, a colorful UI that tells more than enough information to the player without being overbearing, Each level has some unique element to it, and each level is replayable, there are secrets in many of the levels that are present in the game, and the other items that mario can get are fun to play and add another twist to the gameplay, and it felt balanced with having a limited time to actually use them. However, there were times it felt like the lack of another analog stick for controlling the camera really showed how limiting it could be, it has a charming art direction for being essentially the first true 3D game. The controls could also feel less responsive, but I do not know if that was because of emulation issues or if it was a different problem entirely. Lastly, I found the scarcity of the items mario can use to be lacking as well, I want to be able to play plenty of levels using the cap and fly around, even if it wasnt intended to be played in that manner, having more freedoms would have been nice.

      Fun Factor:
      The game is addicting to play, despite the fact that the objective has never changed since its release, the amount of ways you can tackle and play the game is astounding. The levels, though somewhat barren and small, feel alive and rich, the new moves mario has at his disposal make him feel better to play as, and each level itself has at least 1 thing that makes them stand apart from the rest of the levels, though the quality of each level is up for debate, the way you get into some of the levels is nearly as memorable as the levels themselves. I found myself quickly getting sucked into the gameplay and just wanting to play over and over again. 1 Ups werent handed out for free and each one truly did feel as though I had done something to earn it, same for each star. When I found a star it felt like an actual achievement and not something that felt like I just got because I had to get them, it felt like I got them because I was doing something and just happened to get the star. What I find very fun is just messing around the castle, looking at each painting and seeing not only the art itself, but sometimes the unique ways in which they are presented and help tell the player what each level is about before they even step foot in a single one of them.

      Super Mario 64 is one of the most influential games of all time, it is arguably the most influential game of all time. In my opinion, it is the most influential 3D game of all time, and its not even close, other games have come out that are extremely influential, but Super Mario 64 is in a league entirely to its own. Every single game that utilizes 3D traces its roots to this game in one form or another. I would go on and say that if Super Mario 64 never released, 3D games would have been held back in terms of overall dominance by a severe amount. You cannot even discuss video games past Super Mario 64 without talking about it first. This game effectively killed 2D gaming for a long time on main consoles, with 2D games being regulated to Arcades, the rare console game, and portables, where the technology for handhelds simply would be lacking for an extremely long time to even render proper 3D graphics, at least up until the PSP's release. The design of 3D spaces, controls, and game design itself when it comes to 3D gaming can trace its roots to this very game. This games influence cannot be fathomed into words, while this was an adventure/platformer game, it changed the very core foundations of the gaming industry forever.

      Overall... I give this game a 5/5


      • #18
        Journal #15

        Name: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
        Author/Studio: Rockstar Games
        Platform: PlayStation 2

        Control System Used: Xbox/Controller

        Gameplay and Mechanics:
        GTA: San Andreas has a more complex set of controls the player must keep an eye on, such as running, driving, the weapon wheel, aiming, shooting, and much, much more. There are also a lot of mechanics, outside of things such as the weapons and cars the player can utilize, there is a gym to grow stronger, a restaurant to get health, and gaining respect by doing a variety of tasks. The gameplay is strong, despite a lot of mechanics being used and for the player to keep track of, during actual play, it's not as overwhelming as it might be. They are presented one by one and you will naturally go through most of these features just by playing the game, and each mechanic is fleshed out and plays a part of the game from the start to the end, so that nothing feels like filler and there is a reason for the player to constantly return and use what the game has to offer.

        Strengths and Weaknesses:
        The game has a lot for the player to do, there are multiple ways of going about the games campaign, which offers a great deal of replayability. The sandbox of the game is diverse and free as well. I can go around and do whatever I want and the game doesnt handhold me once the most basic of the tutorials are finished, and the only time the game continues to handhold is when you are in a mission. You also unlock more of the map as you continue to progress through the campaign, incentivizing you to play the campaign. Each character is memorable for their own reasons and the moments and memes that have been created is something I personally love. Although this game has plenty of strengths, I find the shooting mechanics to be lackluster. It feels stiff and hard to manage at times, which has caused me to feel frustrated when I really want the controls to work with me.

        Fun Factor:
        The game is exciting and very fun to play. Even just roaming around and doing my own thing is fun to mess around with for hours on end. The map feels grand despite it being pretty small by todays standards, and just moving around, doing random things or finding events that I can do feels rewarding and satisfying. Many of the missions do not feel dull (though some do feel like they could have been shortened), and the story is emotional to play through, despite them being horrible human beings, I couldn't help but root for them to succeed. Going to the gym and choosing to spend hours there, trying to get CJ to be as fit as possible was still fun for me to do, then destroying my progress slightly by eating junk food, and customizing what CJ is going to wear and have as a hairstyle was also fun for me, even if the choices for everything was limiting. Although I did give the controls of shooting a gun slack, I did still find mowing down people fun to do, it felt like an outlet for me to be as horrible of a person as I wanted to be without having to deal with any actual consequences (outside of the police, which did add more of a fun challenge).

        This game has quite a good amount of influence over the gaming space, this game has made violent video games more mainstream, and the quality of the product is also something that many should take note of when looking on how to make the most of the resources provided. Each idea and mechanic present is more than just present, its fleshed out, and valuable from the start to the end of the game. Many games fail to do this, often bringing in a mechanic that is too situational or rare to really be used, or it will become obsolete after reaching a certain point in the game. The campaign is fun and gripping, the stakes feel grand but also contained, there have been games that I have played where it felt like everything was always on the line, and the world itself was at stake, which can get boring and cliche. This game laid the groundworks for how future GTA games would be made, GTA III and Vice City helped create the identity that GTA would follow, its easier to see how future GTA games have used San Andreas as the baseline for how future entries should be developed, and how other games should model themselves after, whether they were adding violence like GTA or not.

        Overall... I give this game a 4/5

