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Jocelyn Hopkins | Project Proposal #3

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  • Jocelyn Hopkins | Project Proposal #3

    Animations from 8 Eyes, a game made for the NES.

    References: Includes walk, jump, attack, and/or death.
    - https://syncsketch.com/sketch/fBLlsSJMMeFZ/

    - Main Character: https://marcwithk.gumroad.com/l/mova...ded_by=library
    - Possible Weapon: https://nurcstudio.gumroad.com/l/Sty...ded_by=library

    General Info/questions:
    - This game does not have a run cycle, so I provided the reference to replace it with either the character's attack or death animation. Which would you rather see me do/would get me more points?
    - The death reference glitched a little when I put it in Premier, so I also provided the original recording for the death.
    - For the weapon, the sword that comes with the main character should work, but if I end up doing the attack and it doesn't look right, may I replace it with the weapon choice I provided?

  • #2
    Says that I have no posts here, so this is here just so it shows i posted and it's not just an empty proposal lol


    • #3
      Approved. Remember that this character has that bird (which is important for the animations). Lots and lots of secondary/overlapping action.

