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Adrian Garza: Project #3 Proposal

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  • Adrian Garza: Project #3 Proposal

    I wanted to remake several animations for this Risk of Rain Returns character the Mercenary. I plan to replicate the overall feel of the animations, but not within the same frame constraint. If the run cycle is 14 frames I plan to maybe make it a bit longer to add more personality and make it smoother for 3d.

    And I plan on using Kiel figgins Sword Trail for the vfx. And the Urban Warrior rig.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	asdfasdf.png
Views:	46
Size:	168.3 KB
ID:	31067 Click image for larger version

Name:	default_swipe.jpg
Views:	37
Size:	40.4 KB
ID:	31068

  • #2
    What does "several animations" mean?


    • #3
      All of the ones included in the syncsketch. It's not a full gameplay set from the game, but it's most of them.


      • #4
        OK. That's too big for one project. If you wanted to propose three for this project, and three for the next, that could work.


        • #5
          That sounds good to me, are there specific animations you'd like me to tackle? I could do 3 attacks for project 3 and the other 3 attacks for project 4 if that sounds okay.


          • #6
            Sure. That distribution sounds good.

