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Assignment #4-Acting Pantomime

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  • Assignment #4-Acting Pantomime

    UPDATE: Final due 10/23

    Check your email for update news!

    Last edited by Professor Sidler; 10-20-2024, 09:46 AM.

  • #2
    Benjamin Vasquez
    • Mental: easily irritated
    • Physical: disheveled/tired
    • Backstory (1 sentence): a exhausted trying to find peace.
    • What is your character’s objective? to get a moment to relax
    • What is the obstacle/conflict they must overcome? the dog causing chose with a ball.
    • How do they resolve it? get angry, but then gives in and throws the ball.


    • #3
      Adrian Garza

      Mental: In a serious but happy mood, basically not dead serious
      Physical: Energetic
      Backstory: Is progressing through and ship and finds something she needs at the end of a room guarded by an obstacle
      Objective: To obtain the object
      Obstacle: Enemy/Turret/Barrier
      Solution: She shoots it

      Last edited by adgarza8; 10-02-2024, 10:26 AM.


      • #4
        Meg Villanueva

        Mental: Starts off calm and dedicated, relaxes more as scene progresses (which is own downfall)
        Physical: Energized, then becomes exhausted
        Backstory: A warrior in training who seeks guidance
        Objective: Wants to improve fighting skills
        Obstacle: Doesn't have a way to train
        Resolve: He finds someone to train with

        Last edited by Meg Villanueva; 10-02-2024, 08:50 AM.


        • #5
          Nathan Garcia

          Mental: Tough and Determined, but desperate
          Physical: Injured and looking to bandage up wound
          Backstory: A person who was walking around in the wild but fell and wrist got cut, causing bleeding.
          Obstacle: Doesn't have any bandages on them, and is hurt from a fall and wrist injury
          Objective: Find something to help bandage them up
          Resolve: Walks for a little bit, before finding a bandage.

          Last edited by Nathan Garcia; 10-02-2024, 01:07 AM.


          • #6
            Chaya Fuller
            Mental: Serious
            Physical: Tried, sleepy
            Backstory: Get off of work tired for the day.
            Objective: Taking a nap without being interrupted
            Obstacle: The phone non-stop ringing
            Resolve: By throwing the phone across the room.
            Last edited by ChayaNF; 10-02-2024, 07:17 AM.


            • #7
              Robby Garcia

              mental: despicable
              physical: large
              backstory: wants to be the greatest villain of all time
              objective: steal the artifact
              conflict: security system gets triggered
              resolution: avoids security

              Last edited by Roberto; 10-01-2024, 06:38 PM.


              • #8
                • MONTSE NAVARRO
                • Mental: relaxed
                • Physical: focused, energized
                • Backstory (1 sentence): wants to cook a new recipe
                • What is your character’s objective? to prepare a delicious meal
                • What is the obstacle/conflict they must overcome? she wants to add rocks
                • How do they resolve it? tries to prevent it, fails and gets annoyed


                • #9
                  Allen Salvador
                  • Mental:
                  A casual young girl who is trying to learn the guitar. She is upbeat about her progress despite clear mistakes, though she believes that her work will result in success.
                  • Physical:
                  She is an average young person with no clear physical inhibitors/deformities.
                  • Backstory:
                  Felicity became inspired to learn the guitar and is taking a chance at it!
                  • Obstacle/Conflict:
                  While strumming, Felicity hits a few sharp notes and requires her to tune the guitar.
                  • Resolve:
                  While tuning and strumming the guitar she finally hits the correct note and is able to play the rest of her basic-learning song.

                  Last edited by AllenSalvador17; 10-01-2024, 11:20 PM.


                  • #10
                    julian gamez
                    • Mental: pretty neutral
                    • Physical= decent posture
                    • Backstory (1 sentence)= he is going to the boss's office
                    • What is your character’s objective? to have a talk with his boss
                    • What is the obstacle/conflict they must overcome? a spinosaurus is in the office
                    • How do they resolve it? throw a ball at it


                    • #11
                      Josh Rodriguez
                        • Mental:
                        • Calm, relaxed
                        • Physical:
                        • energetic, hyper, short
                        • Backstory:
                        • at home relaxed and walks by her kitchen then spots last cookie
                        • What is your character’s objective?
                        • The last cookie
                        • What is the obstacle/conflict they must overcome
                        • located on top shelf
                        • How do they resolve it?
                        • jar falls and opens, pet eats last cookie
                      Last edited by JoshR; 10-02-2024, 10:23 AM. Reason: Added SyncSketch Link


                      • #12
                        Ediza Valle

                        Angry, then sad.

                        Short, wings, horns.

                        She got mad at someone, from a figure.

                        Character's Objective
                        Just to get away and be to herself.

                        Obstacle/Conflict they must overcome
                        Her anger.

                        How do they resolve it
                        She looks at an object, and through guilt(?) she gets sad and gets passed her anger.



                        • #13
                          Nathan Munoz

                          Focused and calm until they are sad, angry and defeated

                          short and tired

                          Everything was going smoothly until Maya decided to crash while she was working on it.

                          character’s objective
                          To finish their work.

                          Obstacle/Conflict they must overcome?
                          Their computer crashes.

                          How do they resolve it?
                          They crash out and restart the computer to continue the cycle


                          • #14
                            Jocelyn Hopkins
                            • Mental: terrified of a shark coming after them, accomplished when they get on land, then surprised/sad when they get caught and dragged under
                            • Physical: Drained from swimming so much
                            • Backstory (1 sentence): The character fell off a boat and attempted to swim anywhere to find land.
                            • What is your character’s objective?: To get on top of the Island and away from the shark
                            • What is the obstacle/conflict they must overcome?: They physically must get on top of the island to get away from the shark, and they also have to overcome the exhaustion
                            • How do they resolve it?: They get up on land, but ultimately they get eaten by the shark

