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Exercise #3-Texture Analysis

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  • Exercise #3-Texture Analysis

    Pick a 8-10 second clip from an animated film or game cinematic to analyze
    Analyze the beats using the following methods:
    • Syncsketch track screenshot
    • Bouncing ball beats
    Post screenshot/video of each method and your clip

    Answer this question on your forum post (In 1-2 complete sentences )
    • Which method helped you gain a better understanding of the shot’s timing and texture? Why?

  • #2
    Allen Salvador

    The bouncing ball is personally my favorite! It requires you to be more attentive, and to correlate the balls action between the scene and it MAKES you tune the ball's speed to the scene! However, timesheeting the clip also has its importantance as its more efficient, quicker, and allows you to be more precise! I think both of these methods have there space, and you get additional understanding of the scene/clip you're analyzing BY doing both!
    Last edited by AllenSalvador17; 09-23-2024, 01:00 PM.


    • #3
      Benjamin Vasquez

      Review media collaboratively in the cloud - no setup, visual creative feedback, all real time with just a link.


      • #4
        Adrian Garza

        I personally preferred the ball, helped better visualize the beats even further. Though I think it was much better since I had done the syncsketch beforehand, otherwise it would've been a bit trickier.


        • #5
          Chaya Fuller
          • Which method helped you gain a better understanding of the shot’s timing and texture?
          • I feel like the shot timing help me better understand what's going on, because I am able to see the frames and how close the frames are show the fast moment and how far apart the are the slower seeing the frame space helps me understand what happening a lot better then the bouncing ball beats.


          • #6
            Julian gamez

            The bouncing ball is something anyone can understand and the beats feel natural for learning about the beats and it’s able to match the movements of a character


            • #7
              Jocelyn Hopkins

              The Bouncing Ball Method helped me to understand the shot's timing and texture because it helped me to clearly visualize the timing of the character and in this instance, how long she is in the air, and how long each little bounce is, some were even one frame pops.


              • #8
                Montse Navarro
                i think the shot timing help me understand where's the hot keyframes, specially in a quick scene like this one.
                Review media collaboratively in the cloud - no setup, visual creative feedback, all real time with just a link.


                • #9
                  Ediza Valle

                  To me the bouncing ball method helps with the shot timing, though the track screenshot helped me with the poses. Overall, I think I prefer the bouncing ball method a lot more.


                  • #10
                    Nathan Munoz

                    The bouncing ball method helps me understand timing and texture more. It illustrates it in a far easier to understand method and allows me to see the timing differences a lot better.


                    • #11
                      I think I enjoy the syncsketch method more because I imagine using it in a workflow and it seems be much more efficient (for me personally). With the ball method, I feel like I have to think of how high the ball is going and it tripped me up a bit, but with just looking at the timing chart, it's a bit easier to plan without having to overthink it. It's easier to visualize the texture / timing by seeing the spacing on the chart rather than the spacing with the ball. :]

                      (We went over it in class, but my maya wasnt importing the video, so I was given permission to do it without!)


                      • #12
                        Nathan Garcia

                        I prefer using syncsketch over the maya one. As I find it easier to know where the main beats are instead of feeling a little lost and having to take into account the climax of each beat with Maya.


                        • #13
                          robby garcia
                          Review media collaboratively in the cloud - no setup, visual creative feedback, all real time with just a link.

                          i prefer syncsketch over maya because maya refused to import my video no matter how many times i tried and there were no solutions online
                          Last edited by Roberto; 09-23-2024, 02:24 PM.


                          • #14
                            Joshua Rodriguez

                            i like the draw over version better, because it is easier to understand the timing in the keyframes rather than the ball

