Here is the Unity project.
Here is a tutorial and here is another to help you along the way in Cinemachine.
To submit your project, post your Syncsketch link below.
Due Tuesday 9.24 before class.
Here is a tutorial and here is another to help you along the way in Cinemachine.
To submit your project, post your Syncsketch link below.
- Semiotics. Are you making camera choices that add meaning to the scene?
- Think “lenses”. Is the focal length the most appropriate choice?
- Rule of Thirds. Guideline....not a rule. But an awfully good place to start.
- Screen Space
- Cut often. Avoid long shots....remember your beats.
- Hold camera still. I know its easy to move the camera. But imagine that its two tons and you have to lay railroad track to move it.
- Exit left, enter right
Due Tuesday 9.24 before class.