Watch with Purpose #3
The Grand Budapest Hotel
(This works best if you download it. For some reason streaming the file distorts the frame and the quality is low. To download, when you open the file look at the top for the "..." button next to "Copy to". There, select "Download")
Pick 7 shots (1 from Act I, 4 from Act II, and 2 from Act III). For each:
The Grand Budapest Hotel
(This works best if you download it. For some reason streaming the file distorts the frame and the quality is low. To download, when you open the file look at the top for the "..." button next to "Copy to". There, select "Download")
Pick 7 shots (1 from Act I, 4 from Act II, and 2 from Act III). For each:
- Take a screenshot of the frame you're going to analyze (do not download an image).
- Identify the mechanics of the shot and provide a semiotic analysis that discusses the meanings behind the director's choice of:
- Shot size, angle, framing
- Shot composition, direction, motion
- Lenses and other camera settings
- mise en scène (set, lighting, costume, makeup, etc.)
- Other relevant information, (e.g., shapes within frame, frame within frame, relevant movement)
- Avoid an image of text. Upload the image, and then type the text. Include this document - not an image of the document.
- Do not share the document (GoogleDocs or Word). Upload the document as an attachment to this thread.
- Include your name on the document.
- Be sure your name is on the thread/document.
- Use academic writing. Avoid, "I think..." or "I believe..."
- Focus on how the choices convey meaning, meaning, meaning. How do the director's choices change our understanding of the scene, the characters, the plot? How do these choices convey information beyond what's explicitly shown in the frame? How do these choices make us (the audience) feel? Why? How?
- Don't worry about frame rates, ISO values, or shutter speeds. Those are impossible to guess.