Game: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Game Author: Andy Gavin
OG platform & Controls:
Playstation 2 with playstation Controller
Controls Used:
I used a PS5 controller but I dont think the arrangement of the controller generations are that different to change the experience of the game.
Describe gameplay and mechanics
Basically the player plays Jaks, whos on a mission to turn his friend (Daxter) back to human. In the start of the story Jak and Daxter are on this island where they come across an enemy. At some point during the fight Daxter falls into a pit of magic goop and turns into a weasel. They go back to their island to meet with the main magic wizard and he tells them that they need to find another wizard because he is the only one that can change Daxter back. Now both of them need to get to the other Wizards house but he lives in a really far area. This is where the game play starts. Your abilities are weasel spin (you literally throw your friend around you to hit enemies), Jump spin, dash punch and a jump dive down. The abilities are rather wacky but they work well with the level of seriousness of the game. There are some electric orbes that you can pass through and they empower the player, breaking and attracting boxes and currency. You have to collect precursor orbs as they are needed to build technology for you. Throughout the game you have to collect, solve puzzles and fight enemies.
Strengths and weaknesses of art and design
The design of the environment was super nice. It has a lot of variety when it comes to the static non interactable objects and the environmental obstacles make sense when walking through. There was no sense of an area feeling too vast. This is one thing that tended to bother me when it came to games like Mario 64, some environments felt too empty where the textures showed an obvious repeat. I understand that this is probably due to some technology restrictions but it is still felt. Jak and Daxters game environment didnt give this feeling at all. From the village to the end of the island felt populated the whole way through. The character designs have a great silhouette to each one. They use a great range of shapes, even on the less important characters. The fantasy technology is somewhat of a contrast to the rest of the environment but the color scheme of sticking with bronze does help it work well. The objects stand out enough without seeming completely detached from the world.
What made it fun?
This game was a lot of fun, silly and chaotic but in the best of ways. The thing that stood out to me the most from the start was how Jak doesn't talk at all or even make a sound. It was interesting because it got me thinking about if Jak was a later response to Link (yes it would be a delay). Typically something like this would be kind of a stretch but his character design seems clearly inspired by Link to me. I could be wrong and I could just be an inspiration because I tried looking it up and really did not find too much on the subject. It would be cool either way though. The use of explanation and directing of the player is pretty good. Maybe a tad bit overused on the map direction and redirecting but it is still pretty fair. The character interaction is super fun due to its casual nature. Its very different from the typical “Ah yes, you must collect the orbs to break the spell” type talking and it helps bring this game out of the typical fantasy setting. The way that the abilities show up is pretty nice and easy at the start. I played a good 15-20 minutes of the game so I don't know if the puzzles or obstacles get harder. I am sure they do due to the popularity of this game alone. All good games do need challenge or they become boring to the players. I really wouldn't mind going back to this game just for fun because it truly left a good impression. Its great for casual play but this game is also good for just setting aside a whole day to just play. This game is great and I would for sure suggest it to anyone who hasn't played it yet.
Now that you’ve played it, why would this game be considered influential? How does it fit into the evolution of games?
This game follows the same formula for Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, and even Donkey Kong 64. Its characters (sometimes a duo) are super fun and silly, the surrounding characters are also silly, they go on a crazy adventure to find a major boss or to find someone in general. The contrast of having characters that don't take themselves vs a villain that always does creates amazing and unforgettable dialogue when they interact. I can see why Jak and Daxter have become such a success as a series and that in itself makes this game influential. I don't think that there is anything that makes it stand out to be super influential. The game play is just super enjoyable that it reaches so many different types of audiences. Its sort of like watching Looney Tunes as a kid vs watching it as an adult, there are some things that you'll appreciate and laugh at more the older you get. I guess you could say that the experience is just influential. The fact that anyone could just easily sink a lot of time into this game and it be fun the whole way is enough to be great. I know that a game cant be “good” without any pick-able defining features but I really think its just everything moving together as a whole is what makes this game a fun experience. From the UI, to the game play/ abilities, to the story and the characters, it just makes a great game soup that works in harmony. Its not the most perfect game cause the music was sort of strange and a bit disjointed at times. I get the island theme of the music but I feel like other games did their music better. Its not the biggest deal because I truly didnt notice until I just stopped and listened, so it doesn't take away from the game at all. Its also better than no music when playing.
How would you rate this game (1-5 Stars (5 stars good))
5 of 5