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Fall 2024 | Job Search

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  • Fall 2024 | Job Search

    Due Friday, 9/6/2024 before the start of class.

    Please respond to this post and provide
    1. Name
    2. Links to three 3D jobs (as job postings) you would like to have
      1. Include an explanation of why this is the job for you
    Some places to look
    • ArtStation
    • LinkedIn
    • CGJobs
    • Monster
    • Indeed​
    Last edited by Professor Garcia; 08-30-2024, 08:42 AM.

  • #2
    1. Leslie Griffin
    2. Links:


    • #3
      1) Jose Almendarez

      2) Job Links:


      • #4

        Senovia Lozano-Hernadez

        Job #1: Character Artist for Wirestock: I like this job posting because it is for a company that is freelance. This type of work interests me.

        ArtStation - Illustrator/3D Artist

        Job #2: Animator for Hero Marketing Agency: I like this job posting because I get to collaborate and create visualizing and engaging animations with fitting sound, voiceovers and music. Also, it’s still in Texas, and I like that.

        Hero Marketing Agency hiring Animator in Boerne, TX | LinkedIn

        Job #3: Motion Designer for Crispin: I like this job because I can pair music with animation to create a variety of assets across social media and videos.

        Crispin hiring Motion Designer in Houston, TX | LinkedIn


        • #5
          1) Natalia Perez
          2) Job links:
          • Indeed - 3D Character Artist: I always like doing character design, and I wish to continue that while working on a 3D medium.
          • Art Station - illustrator/3D Artist: I already enjoy working illustrations especially from 2D, but I’m willing to try to experiment to create more illustrations in 3D, and explore how to render and develop those illustrations.
          • Art Station - Shader Artist: I really like to experiment and to work in lighting when it comes to drawing characters, I want to try to set that same idea by exploring how I can try to imply lighting in 3D characters models, settings, etc.


          • #6
            1) Nathaniel Martinez
            2) Job Links:
            • Lead Concept Artist - I like making designs that could be used for games that could be used to make creative characters or storytelling through concepts.
            • Environment Concept Artist - This job would be for me due to how I really like to design different backgrounds that could make creative leveling.
            • 3D Modeler - I enjoy making characters or environments that would be used in the game itself or be explored by others that could help them have an escape.


            • #7
              1) Isabella Garcia

              2) Links:


              • #8
                1) Jacob Gamboa

                2) Links:
                Last edited by JacobGamboa; 09-05-2024, 02:42 PM.


                • #9
                  1) Rudy Encinas

                  2) links:

                  3D Character Artist- out of all the possible ways to create the cool, strange, or creepy characters and creatures that I can imagine, a digital 3D medium is the way that I’m most enthusiastic about.
                  Game asset modeler-a job that piques my interest upon the variety of workload of a single project.
                  3D Stylized Texture Artist-another part of creation that I admire is color, and a job around bringing things to life with color is a no brainer to a job that I would be interested in.


                  • #10
                    Jaimilie Gracia

                    • Character Artist - I have always loved making characters so I would love to be able to pursue a career doing just that.
                    • Animator​ - Animation is something that really interests me.
                    • Concept Artist - One of the things that I do the most is create concepts or ideas of stories or characters that I want to create. It would be nice to have the opportunity to have my ideas considered for a greater project.

                    Bonus: All options also allow me to work with video games as well :>​​​


                    • #11
                      1) Mason Goldblum

                      2) Links

                      https://www.artstation.com/jobs/Y9Go - It would allow me to work creatively, and I deeply enjoy brainstorming and drawing in general.
                      https://www.artstation.com/jobs/92wB - DND is such a fun game, and modeling so far has been a lot of fun!
                      https://www.artstation.com/jobs/NVq4 - having the freedom to create and get in touch with many different projects, and having my own flexibility would also be really nice


                      • #12
                        1.) Sylvester Hernandez


                        ArtStation - Concept Artist​ - Love the idea of brainstorming and having the freedom to come up with your own creation.
                        ArtStation - Freelance Illustrator​ - I like this one because you're not stuck into one lane. You have the opportunity to create for different types of clients.
                        ArtStation - Sculptor​ - To be able to work for a MMO game developer would be cool. Creating environments and characters that could potentially be in a game for people around the world to experience.​


                        • #13
                          1. Tia Laws



                          • #14
                            Brandon Martinez

                            1. Illustrator/3D Artist: I want to make animation for my youtube channel and animated shows, and I want my characters come to life.

                            2. Concept Artist/Illustrator: I want to create concept for the world and characters I can imagine.

                            3. Freelance Illustrator: I want to show them my type of art style and what it can do.
                            Last edited by SuperBAM06; 09-06-2024, 12:11 PM.


                            • #15
                              Kevyn Hernandez

                              1. Linked In - 3D Animator/Editor : I've seen Zack D Films videos a ton of times and would offer to help make or improve his videos. They are educational but also pretty fun to watch.
                              2. ArtStation - 3D Artist : I would be interested in working on art for games.
                              3. Indeed - 3D Animator : I have been interested in dinosaurs for a long time, so seeing this job position is really cool because I would also want to recreate how they would look or move.

