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Assignment Due 4/5

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  • Assignment Due 4/5

    1. 15 research images that show your character’s costume’s
      1. Tone & Style - 3
      2. Time (era, year, etc…) - 3
      3. Time (day, night, season) - 3
      4. Place (place in the world) - 3
      5. Personality or other character information - 3
    Be sure to include your name with your post.

    Due before the start of class on Wednesday, 4/6/2022

  • #2
    janiah thomas

    1. hunter/workingclass male, mostly all black fit. heavily layered, clothes fur lined + protective/flexible materials. mantles/cloaks/vests.
    2. 1300-1500's inspired (baggier pants/undergarments/skirt + cote hardie's /chemise/tudor tops)
    3. mostly out in early mornings/late nights, dresses in layers regardless. winter/early spring.
    4. "Santander, Spain" sorta
    5. -late mothers wedding ring, remembrance of her. crafted by father.
    - ring claw extentions for battle. crafted by father so he may get stronger.
    - sewn hood headdress often worn by late mother. diamond/square lined with a loose coif. hides ears.


    • #3
      Josh Cervantes

      1. tone and style is usually black with red lights on the arm and legs and wearing a breathing face mask

      2. futuristic era

      3. time of day and night usually wearing black leather clothes but on conquering season it's all black armor

      4. the place my character is would be either on the space station or on other worlds conquering mostly on the space battleship

      5. personality, he usually wears under armor underneath his actual armor because he's insecure about his past he mostly wears armor to be prepared for anything and he wears a face mask to breath on other planets


      • #4
        Gregory Rigdon

        Tone & Style: Casual but also neat. He doesn't want to bring a lot of attention to himself but he also can't stand looking like a bum. His options for pants are shorts, torn up jeans, and on occasion, cargo pants.

        Time (place): Modern day 2010's. He's not trying to reinvent the wheel.

        Time (day. season): Bright sunny summer days. He gets up when the sun rises and never stays indoors.

        Place in the world: Hawaii Islands. He's on the beach, in the sea, or on a boat. Pretty much if it involves the ocean, he's there.

        Personality: Energetic and fun. He has a serious side to him though, as he's trying to make a profit doing various beach related activities. He can't hold a job though, not because he gets fired, but because he can't stand still for very long. He wants adventure, he wants to cross the sea, he wants to search for lost treasure. He's pursuing money but he has to live in the process.
        Last edited by Greg; April 6, 2022, 06:43.


        • #5
          Liliana Martinez

          1. Punk/Fighter Women, Some fire colors with black in different areas. Leather vest or Jackets, minimum layered with muscle or t-shirts, leather gloves, flexible materials for fighting purposes.

          2. Modern-day (vintage Denim Jeans, Jackets/vests, ripped pants, t-shirts, tank tops.

          3. In the mornings and at night, wears either shorts or warmups with a t-shirt/muscle shirt depending on the season. When training wears an athletic outfit; as well as in the arena wear a boxing outfit.

          4. New York city is somewhat between the bad and good areas. Sometimes fight areas happen when hear about or just to be prepared.

          5. She minimum layered due to her confidence in herself when it comes to conflict situations but only some layer due to some doubt in herself from her past. But isn’t afraid to fight when needed to. She wears an Oni necklace gifted by her adopted sister of hers to keep remembering her. Wraps or gloves to protect her hands when fighting just in case.


          • #6
            Jacqueline Ransom
            1. Tone & Style - Kind of into casual sportswear, mostly seen wearing a hoodie, jeans, and running shoes. (Not really a fashion person)

            2. Time (era, year, etc…) - Modern day, 21st century, in High School (Boring right?)
            3. Time (day, night, season) - Mostly out during the day, sometimes hangs at night. The season is late into fall, so it's a bit chilly.
            4. Place (place in the world) - Urban California
            5. Personality or other character information - Also wears a baggy sport jersey underneath her hoodie because she loves sports. She's in the school's hockey team, so she sometimes carries a sports-bag and her hockey stick. Most of her clothes are dirty and faded because she's a bit poor. She likes to keep her sleeves rolled up because she works a lot. When it gets cold, she rolls them down and uses them like gloves because she's resourceful like that.


            • #7
              Alexa Munoz

              1. Style/Tone: Student/Hero intern, her style is more grunge, has mobility incase of an emergency, and wears a lot of black to try and hide from her enemies.

              2. Time (era): This is taking place around the 2400s, this is when streetwear and cyber/tech wear becomes more popular in the fashion trends.

              3. Time (day, night, season...): Where she is now with the current events it is spring. You can mainly find her during the day time at class or her internship. Then if you get the chance you might see her training at night in the forest where she feels the most comfortable. (school outfit, hero suit, training outfit)

              4. Place: Her story currently takes place in Eusha Japan which is basically the New York Broadway of Japan.

              5. Personality/Character info: She has two tattoos that she has had since birth which correlates with her power. She wears a matching bond bracelet with her brother so if they are ever separated they can make sure the other is ok. She also wears her mother's wedding ring (that's been passed down for generations) that she was given from her mother's "will" after the accident and she rubs it whenever she gets anxious or just needs to clam her temper.


              • #8
                Robert Ramos

                1. Tone & Style

                2. Time

                3. Time(Seasons, uniforms match the conditions and operation)

                4. Place in the world (towns and battlefields)

                5. Personality


                • #9
                  Allison Maldonado


                  • #10
                    Jacob Fernandez

                    Tone & Style- StreetWear and TechWear

                    Time ((era, year, etc…) The year 3000, the future era.

                    Time (day, night, season)- Day wears shorts, season wears mostly the same thing as day but during seasons wears all white and a big jacket.

                    Place (place in the world)- Future Chicago

                    Personality or other character information - Heart beat slower than can be seen through his shirt, which is used to slow down his heart rate. Mother's ring, and dirty jordans (multiple pairs)


                    • #11
                      Josh Chavis

                      Tone & Style : (Anime / Cartoon)

                      Era / Year : (Modern day)

                      Day / Season : (Summer)

                      Place : (Japan)

                      Personality : (Fan of Video Games / Basketball / TV shows)


                      • #12
                        Manuel Rodriguez

                        1. (Images 1-3) The style and tone of their design is to look heroic and strong, able to defend against enemies as that was their previous mission until they broke.

                        2. (Images 4-6) Fantasy-Medieval times, being futuristic in an ancient time.

                        3. (Images 7-9) During the day and most seasons they tend to wear a cloak when they’re alone, to not scare anyone who isn’t use to them, though only in the night do they take the cloak off.

                        4. (Images 10-12) They tend to live off in the forest area, where they’re hidden away from the major threat in their homeland.

                        5. (Images 13-15) Helmet design looks similar to the helmet, and their chest plate is a bit busted


                        • #13
                          Devin Brooks

                          1. Face and body covered, browns and earth tones to blend in with the surroundings.

                          2. Medieval times with a lot of journeys, discoveries, and battles.

                          3. Typically travels during the day. Sometimes the weather gets cloudy and it is warm during the day, but cold at night.

                          4. The area he is currently exploring consists of deserted ruins, stretches of barren land, and some areas have plant overgrowth.

                          5. My character had a very rough upbringing making him a humble adult, therefore he does not wear flashy clothes and he keeps his face covered. He is a very skillful fighter, so he does not need much armor, just some in case of surprise attacks.


                          • #14

                            1.Tone would be rustic, handmade, but recognizable in terms of closely looking what we consider as modern with some nicks and cuts here and there.

                            2. While the time period is the far future, she would be making her own clothing closely to what she is familiar with. Futuristic but so far off where it's not recognizable or what we would think would be full on futuristic. Granted considering she is finding materials along her journey, most of the clothing would be worn down or severely damage from just being exposed to the elements, which is why there's the old shirt with a ton of holes. Still there is some materials she is not familiar with, especially anything with tech woven in to them. But when unwind it makes a good thread

                            3. Since she is aimlessly wondering around, she would be mostly repairing clothing while camping, sleeping in a tent she carry around, think about her life or even the nature that surrounds her, or go hunting for new materials and parts.

                            4. She's super thrifty and creative, but unorganized and messy. At times it takes her a while to pack up her camp or work area, sometimes for hours. Since her robotic prosthetics gives her an edge to fight hostile wild life, so she's developed a atheistic mind set, making sure she can keep up in a fight, she practices her attacks on trees near by her camping area. she has tons of questions, like where is her life going now, what happen to humanity that lead to extension, is there anyone else in the facility let alone the world. Due to this it's the reason why she's unorganized at times and making sure she can still fight, because she has so many things to think about at once and is hoping she's not the only one alive.


                            • #15
                              Joseph Hernandez

                              Tone & Style

                              Time (era, year, etc.)

                              Time (Day, night, season)

                              Place (place in the world)

                              Personality (or other character info.)

