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Introductions Fall 2024

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  • Introductions Fall 2024

    Greetings and a warm welcome to all!​

    Please introduce yourselves below so we can get acquainted. A friendly reminder to include a link to your portfolio website (even if it's blank) since we'll be updating it throughout the semester.

    Salutations, my name is Professor Salazar. With a couple of years of experience in Film and TV, I am eager to guide everyone on their artistic journeys. Outside of my comfy computer chair, I love to fill my eyes with reference and beauty through travel, art, and the company of lovely people. You can find my portfolio at
    https://www.jacobsalazar.art. ​

  • #2
    Hello, my name is Madelyn. I'm an artist from Michigan that wants to own a studio one day. My dream is to create/direct movies and this is the start of my journey. I'm so excited to be here and learn everything there is to know. Oh! here are some things I like: Marching band, cats, vintage, movies, plants, and autumn.


    • #3
      Grand rising everyone,

      My name is Sylvester Hernandez. I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Grew up in Jacksonville, FL. Joined the Army in 2003 and served for 15 years. I have no experience in 3D animation, but it is something I want to learn. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


      • #4
        Hello everyone, my name is Helen. I was born in Ohio, but my family moved to Texas when I was 7 years old. I'm taking this class with the hope that it teaches me what I need to know in order to work on movies or even video games. I'm with either one. Anyway, here are some things about me: I wear glasses, I have a younger sister, and I have a cat named Snoopy. I also like anime and horror games. Well, that's all I can think about saying for my introduction, so I guess I'll leave it at that. I hope you all have a good day and that we all learn to get along with each other.


        • #5
          Hi everyone! My name is Marie. I am excited to be with everyone and begin our adventure into 3D modeling. I love video games and digital art, and I hope to work on a team of talented artists one day to create amazing things! I have a ragdoll cat named Skylar and I love her to death. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I also like anime and youtube.


          • #6
            Hello! My name is Jamie.
            I spent my High School years at LV working with 2D Animation and Graphic Design.
            I've lived in Texas my whole life and have always had a passion for Game Development since I was little due to my love for computers.
            Most the time I find myself floating through different hobbies but mainly sticking to videogames.
            Little fun fact I have four ferrets! They are named Bear, Eevee, Goose, and Togepi.

            Below is the link to my Portfolio I had to remake since my High School Portfolio was deleted with most my work.


            • #7

              My name is Joshua or Josh which ever rolls off the tongue, and this will be my second year here at UIW in the 3D animation and game design course. When I'm not in the classroom, I currently work part time at Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union as a member service specialist, but of course I have a life outside of work which is playing basketball or watching the game itself. I hope we can all work together this semester and be the best that we can be.


              • #8
                Hello, my name is Natalia! I mostly go by Nat for short!
                I really like to design characters in my free time, and I had some experience in working some animations in Adobe Animate and in Procreate. Speaking about Procreate, I mostly use that program to create a lot of works or simple sketches alongside with IbisPaint X. Im really into some cartoons such as Adventure Time, Smiling Friends, etc. And I also like some video games or mostly RPG such as Deltarune, OFF, etc. I have two dogs that I love so much; their names are Frida & Cirilo!
                Last edited by Natalia Perez; 08-27-2024, 05:01 PM.


                • #9
                  Hello, My name is Gabriel. I like playing actions and fighting games in my free time. I wanna be able to pursue 3D animation as its something I have enjoyed doing since High School and hope to learn more here.I also enjoy drawing if I am ever in the mood.

