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Course Syllabus

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  • Course Syllabus

    Welcome to ANGD 1312 Hard Surface Modeling!


    ANGD Course Policies

    Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. After one absence, each additional absence will result in a letter drop in your final grade. If you are late three times, that counts as an absence. Illnesses or doctor's appointments are excused but try to avoid appointments during class time. If you miss 30% of class for any reason - even if medically excused - you will need to withdraw; the class needs to be retaken.

    Late Work Policy: No late assignments accepted. All assignments are due before the beginning of class on the day they were due. If you are sick or miss class, the assignment is still due. There are no redoes. Make every project you turn in count.

    Academic Integrity Policy: Self Plagiarism: No work previously completed in another section, or another course can be turned in. AI use or downloaded content is prohibited in all coursework, unless otherwise specified by your instructor.

    Phone/Device Policy: When in class, no phones or devices. Keep them put away unless otherwise specified by your instructor. Phone usage in class will be considered a tardy. Three phone uses in class equals an absence and thus a letter drop in grade.​

    Contact: isherrer@uiwtx.edu
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Professor Herrera; 02-20-2025, 07:00 PM.