Keyframed gameplay animation
30 fps
In the style of Blizzard's World of Warcraft
No set needed; just a floor plane
Body Mechanics Rig with sword (do not scale sword)
Rig file - MockStudioTest
Pick ONE of these personalities for your animation set:
Animation set list:
Playblasts should be HD 720, with anti-aliasing and preview AO on
Full body character animation is clearly seen from all views
Submit as a syncsketch link AND a One Drive folder containing all the necessary videos by start of class, April 1.
Follow these naming conventions:
Keyframed gameplay animation
30 fps
In the style of Blizzard's World of Warcraft
No set needed; just a floor plane
Body Mechanics Rig with sword (do not scale sword)
Rig file - MockStudioTest
Pick ONE of these personalities for your animation set:
- Cowardly
- Grandiose
Animation set list:
- Walk cycle in place with weapon in hand
- 2 hit combo with forward translation
- Start & end in the same idle pose
- Does not have to stay at origin point
- Orthographic front
- Orthographic side
- WoW gameplay camera perspective view
Playblasts should be HD 720, with anti-aliasing and preview AO on
Full body character animation is clearly seen from all views
Submit as a syncsketch link AND a One Drive folder containing all the necessary videos by start of class, April 1.
Follow these naming conventions:
- yourFirstNameLastName_walkCycle_front
- yourFirstNameLastName_walkCycle_side
- yourFirstNameLastName_walkCycle_gameplay
- yourFirstNameLastName_combo_front
- yourFirstNameLastName_combo_side
- yourFirstNameLastName_combo_gameplay