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Sci-Fi Hallway Research (DUE 11/07)

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  • Sci-Fi Hallway Research (DUE 11/07)

    Please submit a mood board (or multiple images) that show the inspiration for your sci-fi hallway. You should also include additional props that will exist in your world. I also want you to write up a 50 to 100 word paragraph explaining the world you are creating. What has happened, where does this world exist, etc., etc.

    You will need to create:

    3 separate repeatable hallway sections:


    Each of these sections should have at least:
    2 Wall sections
    1 Floor section
    1 Ceiling section
    1 "Rib" connector piece

    You also need to model additional props and at least one hero prop.
    Last edited by Professor Herrera; 11-07-2024, 06:38 PM.

  • #2

    Adam Witt:

    My idea for this Sci-Fi Hallway Project is for it to be set inside an enemy fortress within my own fictional writing universe. There is a distant world at war, and this is supposed to be the inside of the villain’s main fortress, where his cybernetic army gathers and prepares for battle.

    Last edited by Apw Zero; 11-07-2024, 06:46 PM.


    • #3
      Victoria Spencer
      I want to have lots of support beams and detailing in the walls, i like to think this hallway belongs to a dilapidated mansion, that was once in it's prime. worn down from countless meetings and arguments but has since been neglected and has been turned into sort of a home. some props I want to include are glass cases full of memoribilia, things like medals or artifacts. while also having old documents or paintings on the walls. have some toys strewn about to imply a family lives there now. as for my Hero Prop, i want to make a desk with a pocket watch on it.
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      Last edited by Victoria spencer; 11-07-2024, 06:42 PM.


      • #4
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ID:	17371 The story of my hallway is a group of people were exploring then stumbled across was looked to be a abandoned shuttle and they enter threw elevator pad (Main Item) and just start walking around the shuttle looking for and cool items to bring as a souvenir and messing around in the ship.


        • #5
          Kaydence Flowers

          I plan to do a big medieval dining hall, much like a tavern but elongated into a fancy hall. i want it to almost be like THE tavern in the medieval world this place is in. everyone comes here for every event, celebrations weddings funerals EVERYTHING. i want the dining hall to look worn down, like its been there for centuries and still gets the same amount of love and use as it once did before.
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          • #6
            Mark Flores
            With my SciFi Hallway Final I took a lot of Inspiration from the Alien movies as a plot with some goofy Half-Life inspired props. Some of the Hero props I had in mind were A Fallout Inspired vending machine, A Cyro Chamber, and a keypad or something.
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            • #7
              Jose Almendarez

              I plan to make a Labatory (destroyed/experiment gone wrong). On the outside everything is normal, but on the inside a school takes place of the Labatory. The school warps the lab, leaving some scientific props behind. A group of scientists decide to explore this new abomination, but with the sole purpose of getting to the other half of the gate to close this anomaly. However, what they don't know is that everything that happens in the anomaly, could alter their timeline.

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              • #8
                Christopher Rodriguez

                I like the idea of a hotel hallway with the patterned carpets, wallpapers, and wood briming on the walls. It gives a really liminal sense of a visually cluttered environment yet a seemingly empty setting where you expect to see a lot of people. It gives off a haunted or mystery type of vibe that would make you uneasy if you were walking down this hall. You get a form of anticipation where you expect to see or hear something but nothing ever happens besides spotting the occasional odd prop or two expected to be seen in a hotel.
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                • #9
                  Christopher Ball

                  My main inspiration for my hallway is Doom 2016/Eternal. The game has some great atmosphere and the environment is really well done. The main portion of the game is aboard a Mars facility, and so the hallways have a very futuristic look to them. Sets a great atmosphere and a sense of dread since the hallways are rather dark and foreboding.​ The humans have set up laboratories on the surface of mars to study and experiment on the Demonic Presence located there. Needless to say it didn't go as planned.

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Hallway Inspo.png Views:	0 Size:	890.7 KB ID:	17410
                  Last edited by Christopher Ball; 11-07-2024, 07:49 PM.


                  • #10

                    my hallway is going to be heavily inspired by the 1960/70's "Space Settlement" concepts and various other sources of media (pictured above.)​​
                    the hallway will be more of a "space colony" type feel, showing how humans have advanced in the distant future and how they have managed to
                    make a sustainable, livable, pure-manmade habitat detached from the Earth. "the last frontier for humans" or "culmination of humanity" of sorts.

                    -cj sanchez


                    • meow
                      meow commented
                      Editing a comment
                      why did the forums delete my photo what the flip flop

                    • meow
                      meow commented
                      Editing a comment
                      they were there i promise idk why the forums is praying for my downfall right neow < / 3

                  • #11
                    Izabela Coronado

                    Click image for larger version

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