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Jacob Wells Project Proposal 2

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  • Jacob Wells Project Proposal 2

    For my second project, I would like to code Spacewar! in Unity

  • #2
    Approved. I'll be interested in how you solved the gravity field problem.


    • #3
      Ah, well you see, I have a game object in the center of the play area that contains a rigidbody and a script, and in the script, it grabs its own rigidbody, and keeps track of a variable that contains all the other rigidbodies in the scene in a fixed update, then for each other rigid body in that variable, it gets the difference between the position of the gravity well, and the other rigid bodies, then calculates the distance between the gravity well and the rigid body through the magnitude of the difference. Then it calculates the direction the other rigidbodies should travel towards the gravity well by dividing the difference by the distance, and moves that direction through a force that is multiplied by a gravitypull variable, and uses a forcemode of acceleration so that it slowly gets faster as well.


      • #4
        Sorry this took me so long, I got busy with other stuff, but here is SpaceWar! I tried to change a few things that I personally think would make it more fun, like infinite thrust and missiles since there were times when I was playing with others where we would run out and just kinda sit there until we died from randomly hitting each other. I also added sound, and made the play area a bit smaller, and the players a bit faster to add more chaos, however just like the actual game, I looked it up and it doesn't have a title screen, and goes on forever, so I kept that in because I think it is part of the charm of an old game like that. The controls are just like the emulator, for player one on the bottom left, S is to thrust forward, W is to shoot, A and D turn the player, and Q does the hyperspace, for player two, K is to thrust, I is to shoot, J and L are to turn, and U is to hyperspace. I also tried to make it to where you can only shoot if you aren't moving as well just to add a little more skill than just running head on to the other player and shooting them head on, since with the thruster being a little more powerful, I found that I could do that as well. Hopefully the changes I made you like too, I did genuinely enjoy playing SpaceWar! earlier in the year, and thought it would be fun to try and improve upon it as well.



        • #5
          Excuse the particles as well please, I could not find a pack in the Unity asset store that would actually allow for scaling correctly, and the ones I did find that worked were a little buggy!

