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Assignment #21 Baseball Throw Blocking

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  • Assignment #21 Baseball Throw Blocking

    Reference: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Pf...gonPx96sF1PlRQ

    Use the reference video provided to create a blocking pass of a baseball pitch.

    Turn in 2 syncsketch videos:
    1) with stepped preview turned on (right click the timeline and enable stepped preview)
    2) with auto tangent

    In addition to your animation, write a short explanation of why each of the main poses are important!

  • #2
    Crystal Rodriguez Ojeda

    Stepped Preview: https://www.syncsketch.com/playgroun...#578023/504528
    Auto Tangent: https://www.syncsketch.com/playgroun...#578016/504521

    Pose #1: (neutral pose) provides a pause for the viewer/a break before the action
    Pose #2: shows that she's preparing for an action
    Pose #3: head shows anticipation by turning to look at where she's going to throw (helps the viewer get ready for what's going to happen)
    Pose #4: body shows anticipation (again, helps brace viewer for the upcoming action)
    Pose #5: shows the weight shift as she starts her throw which helps sell the force behind the pitch
    Pose #6: the action
    Pose #7: the end of her action
    Pose #8: she follows through with her throw so that it's not an abrupt stop
    Pose #9: settle (lets the viewer "breathe" in knowing that it's the end of the action)
    Pose #10: return to a neutral pose for a final rest


    • #3
      Nakihya Freeman
      Step Preview:https://syncsketch.com/playground/a2...#578324/504829
      Auto: https://syncsketch.com/playground/63...#578326/504831

      Pose 1: Neutral Pose- Provides starting point of animation
      Pose 2: Anticipation 1- provides foreshadowing of the action and/or gives personality to animation
      Pose 3: Shows movement into next anticipation
      Pose 4: Anticipation 2- provides foreshadowing of leg movement and throw, head facing direction of action
      Pose 5: Follow through with leading leg
      Pose 6: Anticipation 3- Foreshadows action; Throwing arm winds up briefly, spine moves back, right leg begins drag
      Pose 7: The throw, body moves forward, spine folds forward, leg follows through body movement
      Pose 8: Shows follow through after action; weight continues forward, right leg follows body to front right, back curves back
      Pose 9: Shows slight recoil and action end; body stops moving, spine curves forward, knees bend slightly after foot plant, throw arm comes to stopping point
      Pose 10:Resting Point, back to neutral pose


      • #4
        Spencer Heedley


        • #5
          Madelyn Holguin
          Auto: https://syncsketch.com/playground/0c...#579011/505516

          Step: https://syncsketch.com/playground/14...#579016/505521

          1. Neutral Pose: Provides Context for animation
          2. Anticipation 1: Lets viewer Anticipate further action
          3. leading into next anticipation: Lets viewer understand what the character is about to do
          4. Anticipation 2: Shows viewer where the character is moving
          5. Follow through with legs
          6. Anticipation 3: Character is about to throw
          7. The main movement
          8. Follow through after main action
          9. Resettle
          10. Neutral pose
          Last edited by maddieholg; November 8, 2018, 13:41.


          • #6
            David Irwin
            Auto: http://www.syncsketch.com/playground...12182d64929909
            Stepped: http://www.syncsketch.com/playground...cf7a1541b9b75a

            1. Starting pose.
            2. Anticipation- Shuffles into next position
            3. Beginning of next anticipation pose
            4. Second anticipation. Build up of energy. Getting ready to propel the body forward.
            5. Release of energy. Leg leads the pose.
            6. Third anticipation. Build up of energy for the throw.
            7. Ending pose of the throw.
            8. Follow through of the throw.
            9. Resettling after the throw.
            10. Back to neutral.


            • #7
              Noe Arciniega

              Auto: https://syncsketch.com/playground/4c...#579079/505584
              Step: https://syncsketch.com/playground/5c...#579082/505587

              Pose 1: Starting pose
              Pose 2: Anticipation for throwing the ball
              Pose 3: More anticipation; preparing to throw the ball
              Pose 4: Anticipation; winding back to have more power in the throw
              Pose 5: Anticipation for when he actually throws the ball
              Pose 6: Passing pose for ball thrown; drag to form exaggeration
              Pose 7: Pose before the ball is released; anticipation to the action
              Pose 8: The ball is released; exaggeration of the follow through
              Pose 9: Catching himself after the ball is thrown; it approaches to a settle
              Pose 10: Neutral pose; settle
              Last edited by noarcini; November 8, 2018, 11:56.


              • #8
                Review media collaboratively in the cloud - no setup, visual creative feedback, all real time with just a link.

                Kameron Armstrong
                Pose1- important to show the beginning of the animation and give it a good base of general direction.
                pose2- shows a form of anticipation for the next upcoming form of anticipation.
                pose3- this is the actual anticipation to the upcoming throw, showing exactly what the model is going to perform.
                pose4- beginning of the throw, which gives the animation a good sense of direction as to how the ball will be thrown, as well as giving it a setup to a dynamic pose.
                pose5- the pose is important because it is partly midway through the throw, as well as giving the pose a much more dynamic feel.
                pose6- this pose is similar to the last in that it makes it more dynamic, while also allowing the arm to move in a more natural way during the throw.
                pose7- this is the ending of the throw, which is also the beginning of the follow through, allowing for the animation to begin to finish smoothly.
                pose8- this is the follow through, giving the animation more time to come to a natural stop, while also completing the throw normally.
                pose9- lastly, this is the ending of the throw, where the model returns to a standing position, allowing the animation to come to a complete stop.
                I like to live life like a SoulsBorne game.sigpic


                • #9
                  Anthony Fedor
                  Stepped: https://syncsketch.com/playground/26...#579088/505593
                  Auto: https://syncsketch.com/playground/26...#579088/505593

                  1. Idle Pose
                  2. Anticipation Pose - Prepares for the throw
                  3. Beginning of second anticipation pose
                  4. Second Anticipation Pose, building up energy to throw ball and go forward
                  5. Released energy leads body forward
                  6. Third Anticipation, Leads to the throw
                  7. Ending Pose of the throw
                  8. Follow through of the throw
                  9. Start of settling back to idle
                  10. Idle Pose


                  • #10
                    Erik Cordaway



                    Pose 1. Neutral Pose + starting Point
                    Pose 2. Turning pose + Also an Anicipation
                    Pose 3. Start of next anticipation
                    Pose 4. Another Anticipation Pose + build up of momentum
                    Pose 5. Action/In-air Pose to show power transferred when ball is thrown
                    Pose 6. Anticipation before the ball is thrown + release of energy
                    Pose 7. Dag of the arms and body show weight After the ball is thrown
                    Pose 8. Leg dragging the longest to show weight shift and overlap
                    Pose 9. Pose before neutral + settle
                    Pose 10. Ending pose of the throw.


                    • #11
                      Ryan Zentgraf



                      • #12
                        step: https://syncsketch.com/playground/c8...#579303/505808

                        auto: https://syncsketch.com/playground/12...#579305/505810
                        David Tharpe

                        Pose 1: Neutral pose and start of action
                        Pose 2: Turning point, first anticipation
                        pose3: Secondary aniticipation
                        pose 4: Build up momentum
                        Pose 5:Ball is thrown
                        Pose 7 :Drag of arm and body after ball is thrown
                        Pose 8Dragging leg to shoe overlap
                        Pose 9: neutral pose, end of action

