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Digital Composite
Last Activity: May 4, 2017, 14:24
Joined: August 23, 2016
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assignment 12/1 finish one of the back leg (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
November 30, 2016, 12:35
assignment Due 10/11 Finalize the body rig (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 10, 2016, 12:37
assignment Due 10/12 Finish the Eyebrow up and down blendshapes (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 12, 2016, 15:00
assignment Due 10/17 Finish the eyelid blendshape (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 17, 2016, 12:33
assignment Due 10/19 Finish the eyelid follow and eyelid collision (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 19, 2016, 12:33
assignment Due 10/24 Finish the mouth control. (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 26, 2016, 09:58
Assignment Due 10/3 try to fix all the problem in your rig (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 3, 2016, 12:46
Assignment Due 10/31 Do 12 Facial Expressions (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 31, 2016, 22:00
assignment Due 10/5 Finish all the controls on the clavicle, neck and head (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
October 5, 2016, 12:33
assignment Due 11/14 Finish your rig (Topic in the ANGD 2321 | Technical Direction (Sec 01) forum)
November 14, 2016, 12:31
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