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Self Promotion

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  • Self Promotion

    Short article; but fairly interesting.

  • #2
    Aww, he got my hopes up. I was thinking he was going to talk about using the people around you to create some sort of ultimate studio or something. As I sit here at work with very little or no work to do, I often wonder what is it that I could do that would take the business to the next level. I always hear people talking about how you're going to be a poor 3D artist your whole life... sorry but I won't accept that; there is alot of money in this industry, I've just got to figure out how to get it in MY pocket.

    Sorry if I got offtopic.


    • #3
      another article with good advice:

      "The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."
      - Emile Zola (1840-1902)

      "Do, or do not. There is no try."
      - Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')


      • #4
        I love this part here.

        "The people that rip your work apart the hardest are the people that genuinely want to help you. Think about it. They took the time to look at your work, think it over and write out a response. Your mom may think you're just the best guy ever and think you deserve all the attention in the world, but you don't. Time and attention is respect.

        Show them the same respect and never turn them away. Be grateful. Learn to face the pain head-on. The comments hurt because they are true, and deep down, you know it. Get used to being broken down, and never fail to build yourself back up, stronger than before. Getting your feelings hurt is a part of life, and successful people learn to pick themselves up and try harder next time."

        Couldn't have said it better, only worse, I'm great at messing up words! The only way you fail, is if you stop trying. Kick some butt, get your butt kicked, repeat. Rock on.

