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Boolean a beveled surface

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  • Boolean a beveled surface

    I created a surface by beveling a cv spline, now I want to make a hole in it with this eliptical nurbs cyclinder. Isnt the beveled surface a Nurb? cause I tried the Nurbs booleaning with a couple Nurbs primitives, and they work perfectly, but if I do it with my beveled surface and this eliptical nurbs cylinder, it doesnt do anything.

    I read the Index part for Nurbs booleaning, says I have to select Subtract, and then select the first surface, press enter, and then selec the second surface, and it will boolean.

    but its not working, please help
    It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
    -Tyler Durdan

  • #2
    Remember that for Boolean objects, you've got to have solid shapes. There you're shape to subtract is empty. Use something like a NURBS sphere.

    Also remember that when using Boolean, you need to make sure that you use the Boolean functions under the Edit NURBS pull-down menu.

